Thursday, 12 August 2010

Thursday Weigh-In

First of all, sorry for the lack of posts! I have been a busy little Mrs Lil for the last week or so. Work has been eating in to huge amounts of my time - how rude and then every time I have sat down to blog, something else has popped up to do!

Anyway, today is weigh-in Thursday and dum dum dum......I lost 4lb this week, making a grand total of 11lb over the past four weeks!! I'm quite pleased with that! I was feeling all negative about my weight loss at last week but when I look at the bigger picture then 11lb is fabulous I think! I've still eating relatively normally, been able to eat out, socialise with friends, have nice things for dinner etc so all in all I am thrilled!

Not much else to report! Mr Lil and I were hoping to go to Vintage at Goodwood this weekend but I don't think we're going to be able to go for one reason or another which is a shame as it looks fabulous!!

We're on countdown to our holiday now!! Just over four weeks until we go and we can't blimming wait.

Well that's all for now! Enjoy your weekends!

Bye for now xxx

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