Friday, 11 June 2010

Friday Fill-Ins

And here we go.....

1.  Life feels great.

2.  The solution is to never give up.

3.  I wish that I could fall asleep more easily.

4.  How about a day off?

5.  Getting married is something I highly recommend!

6. Imagine a different world.

7.  And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to a family meal with my husband, my sister and my brother in law, tomorrow my plans include shopping and Sunday, I want to have a lovely picnic.

Have a lovely weekend all xxx

Wednesday, 9 June 2010

A Picnic and a VW

Well this weekend Mr Lil and I have decided to have a little drive out to the Deva Dubs n Rods VW Show in Shrewsbury. We went for the day last year and had a really lovely time.

We are going to go in the Tortoise (pictured above) which is Mr Lil's current mode of transport and take a delicious picnic with us!! We bought a new picnic basket and set recently so I can't wait to use it! Fingers crossed for the sunshine for us!!

We've had a busy few days of changes and planning so Sunday will be a nice time to reflect and relax!

Well I am off to plan some delicious treats for the picnic.


Tuesday, 8 June 2010

A Little Break to Gozo

We're not long back from a lovely long weekend on Gozo!!

As children, my sister and I spent many a holiday on Gozo and it was nice to go back and make some new memories and also relive some older ones too!

We generally just mooched about, read, ate lovely food, drank delicious wine and chatted and laughed about the silliest things!

I think that we all benefited from some relaxation time and some time away from the norm!!

I've decided to look for a photography blogging circle, for want of a better term. I believe there's one group that set you a task each week and you have to take a different style of photo! I think I'll find it really beneficial in learning about my new camera which at the moment just baffles me more every time I use it!!!! So keep your eyes peeled for what will undoubtably be my hilarious attempts!!!